Our Product Range

Our Product


  • Categories

Acticell Bio-CalBor

Acticell Bio-CalBor

Is a calcium and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium and boron levels in plants and fruits.

Acticell Bio-Calmag

Acticell Bio-Calmag

Is a calcium, magnesium and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium and magnesium levels in plants.

Acticell Bio-Zinc

Acticell Bio-Zinc

Is a zinc containing fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase zinc levels in plants.

Acticell Citrus

Acticell Citrus

Is a suspension concentrate fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium, zinc, copper and boron levels in plants.

Acticell Fruit Retention

Acticell Fruit Retention

Is a calcium, zinc and boron containing fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase nutrient levels in plants, especially during fruit set.

Acticell Mag-Photo

Acticell Mag-Photo

Is a magnesium containing fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase magnesium levels in plants.

Acticell Maintenance

Acticell Maintenance

Is a multi-dimensional, high quality foliar feed for maintaining nutritional status of crops. It is designed as a maintenance foliar fertilizer, supplementing critical periods of nutrient demand when the plant may not be able to extract sufficient nutrients from the soil.

Acticell Mango Boost

Acticell Mango Boost

Is a sulphur, calcium and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium and boron levels in plants.

Acticell MoB

Acticell MoB

A boron and molybdenum fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to promote pollen germination and growth.

Acticell Nut: Flower

Acticell Nut: Flower

Is a foliar feed to maintain or increase levels of phosphorus, potassium and zinc in nut trees during the flower-to-fruit phase. It also contains boron, iron and other essential trace elements.

Acticell Nut: Kernel

Acticell Nut: Kernel

Is a foliar feed to maintain or increase levels of potassium, phosphorous and zinc in nut trees during the fruit set phase. It also contains boron, iron and other essential trace elements.

Acticell Supreme

Acticell Supreme

Is a potassium, phosphorous and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase potassium, phosphorous and boron levels in plants.

Agri-Paste Ca

Agri-Paste Ca

Agri-Paste Ca is a highly concentrated Calcium containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Calcium deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Cu

Agri-Paste Cu

Agri-Paste Cu is a highly concentrated Copper containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Copper deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Mg

Agri-Paste Mg

Agri-Paste Mg is a highly concentrated Magnesium containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Magnesium deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Mn

Agri-Paste Mn

Agri-Paste Mn is a highly concentrated Manganese containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Manganese deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Zn

Agri-Paste Zn

Agri-Paste Zn is a highly concentrated Zinc containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Zinc deficiencies in plants.

Ag-Alpha Cyper 100 SC

Ag-Alpha Cyper 100 SC

A suspension concentrate stomach and contact insecticide for the control of various pests on crops as listed.



A soil fumigant for the control of germinating weed seeds, soil fungi and nematodes in agricultural and horticultural soils, seedbeds and planting media as indicated.

Ag-Metribuzin 480 SC

Ag-Metribuzin 480 SC

A pre-and post emergence systemic herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaved weeds in crops as listed.



A water soluble powder containing micro-elements for soil and foliar application, fertigation and hydroponic use.



Liquid Trichoderma Harzianum for drench and foliar feed application on various crops.

Ag-Phos 400 SL

Ag-Phos 400 SL

A systemic water soluble liquid fungicide for the control of Phytophthora root and brown rot in citrus, downy mildew in grapes and late blight in potatoes.

Ag-Thiram 800 WP

Ag-Thiram 800 WP

A wettable powder contact fungicide for the control of certain fungus diseases on crops as indicated.

Ag-Thiacloprid 480 SC

Ag-Thiacloprid 480 SC

A suspension concentrate insecticide with systemic action for the control of thrips and aphids on citrus and codling moth on apples and pears.



A broad spectrum chlorine-based surface disinfectant for use in the agricultural industry. To be used in conjunction with Agrine Activator.

Agrine Activator

Agrine Activator

A broad spectrum chlorine-based surface disinfectant for use in the agricultural industry. To be used in conjunction with Agrine.

Algomax Forté

Algomax Forté

An organic fertilizer containing bio-stimulants, with essential amino acids.

Aqua-Right 3

Aqua-Right 3

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 3.

Aqua-Right 5

Aqua-Right 5

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 5.

Aqua-Right 5 Elite

Aqua-Right 5 Elite

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 5. Also contains a wetting agent and humectant. Specifically for crops under protection

Aqua-Right 7

Aqua-Right 7

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 7. Also contains a humectant

Aqua-Stic Nutech

Aqua-Stic Nutech

A non-ionic sticker designed to cause prolonged adherence of Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides and Foliar fertilizers.



A water-soluble non-ionic wetting agent for use with most of agricultural sprays to improve the wetting and sticking properties of sprays to plant foliage.

Bentazone 480 SL

Bentazone 480 SL

A water soluble concentrate, selective contact herbicide for use as a post-emergence treatment on annual and perennial weeds.

BoZ Pellet

BoZ Pellet

A pelleted fertilizer containing Zinc and Boron.



A chelated zinc, manganese and boron mixture for grapes and other crops as listed.



A water soluble fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Boron, Zinc and Manganese levels in plants.

Cal Pro Nutech

Cal Pro Nutech

An organic calcium fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct calcium levels in plants.

Calmag Pro Nutech

Calmag Pro Nutech

An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct calcium and magnesium levels in plants.

Carbology AnB

Carbology AnB

A water soluble fertilizer for use as a foliar feed on young, non-bearing trees.

Carbology Calmag

Carbology Calmag

A calcium and magnesium containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Calcium and magnesium levels in plants.

Carbology Cal

Carbology Cal

A calcium containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Calcium deficiencies in plants.

Carbology Cop

Carbology Cop

A copper containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper levels in plants.

Carbology Induce

Carbology Induce

CARBOLOGY® INDUCE is a liquid fertilizer in a kelp base containing nitrogen, phosphorus, micro-elements and plant growth regulators used…

Carbology Iron

Carbology Iron

An iron containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Iron levels in plants.

Carbology K

Carbology K

A nitrogen free potassium liquid fertilizer solution for use as a foliar feed.

Carbology Kelp

Carbology Kelp

A seaweed suspension containing Auxins for use on various crops.

Carbology Mag

Carbology Mag

A Magnesium liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Magnesium levels in plants.

Carbology Man

Carbology Man

A manganese containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Manganese deficiencies in plants.

Carbology Multi-Trace

Carbology Multi-Trace

A liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc, iron, copper and manganese levels in plants. Also contains boron and molybdenum.

Carbology Nic

Carbology Nic

CARBology® Nic is a liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase Zinc and Nickel levels in plants

Carbology Optifruit

Carbology Optifruit

A water soluble fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium for use as a foliar application.

Carbology PhosCal

Carbology PhosCal

A liquid fertilizer that contains phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium for use as a foliar feed.

Carbology ZinBor

Carbology ZinBor

A water soluble fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct boron and zinc levels in plants.

Carbology Zinc

Carbology Zinc

A zinc containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc deficiencies in plants.

Carbology ZMC

Carbology ZMC

A liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper, zinc and manganese levels in plants.

Carbology 3-2-1 (19)

Carbology 3-2-1 (19)

A liquid fertilizer with sulphur and micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.



A source of nutrients and high levels of carbon in a natural organic solution.



An amino-gluconate complex for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct calcium, potassium and zinc levels in the plant. Also contains boron and amino acids.

Calcium SC Plus

Calcium SC Plus

A calcium suspension concentrate for foliar application with added zinc and boron.



A water-soluble cleaning agent for use in spray tanks and spray equipment.

Combi Pro Nutech

Combi Pro Nutech

An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc, iron, copper, manganese, boron and molybdenum levels in plants.

Cop Pro Nutech

Cop Pro Nutech

An organic copper fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper levels in plants.

Copflo Super

Copflo Super

A copper containing suspension concentrate fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated.

Copper EDTA

Copper EDTA

A water soluble powder copper EDTA chelate for use as a soil application or foliar spray.

Copper EDTA

Copper EDTA

A water soluble powder copper EDTA chelate for use as a soil application or foliar spray.

Copstar SC

Copstar SC

A liquid suspension concentrate fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper levels in plants.

Copstar 120 SC

Copstar 120 SC

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated.

Copstar 360 SC

Copstar 360 SC

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated

Cupra 360 SC

Cupra 360 SC

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated

Cupra super

Cupra super

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of



A water dispersible granule formulation biological stomach action insecticide for the suppression of various Lepidoptera larvae on crops as indicated.



A microbial bio-fertilisation for use through irrigation, in furrow and seed treatment application on all crops.



A micronized suspension concentrate of Calcium and Sulphur that can be applied through the drip-, micro-, overhead-, or any other irrigation system.

Easygro Calmag + TE

Easygro Calmag + TE

Water soluble powder fertilizer 14:0:1 (15) with calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Easygro Flower & Fruit

Easygro Flower & Fruit

A water soluble 3:1:6 (46) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Easygro Starter

Easygro Starter

A water soluble 2:1:2 (43) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Easygro Vegetative

Easygro Vegetative

A water soluble 6:1:3 (44) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding fertigation.



A water soluble 5:10:2 (26) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Ecklomax Gold

Ecklomax Gold

A seaweed suspension containing auxins for use on various crops.

Ecklomax B + TE

Ecklomax B + TE

A foliar-applied seaweed suspension for use on various crops.



A bait formulation for the control of snails and slugs in Barley, Canola and Grapes.

Escargo 15 RB

Escargo 15 RB

A granular bait for the control of snails and slugs.

Ferro Super

Ferro Super

High purity water soluble 6 % Fe EDDHA chelate powder for use as a soil application to correct iron deficiencies in crops as listed.

Ferro Ultra

Ferro Ultra

A high purity water soluble 11 % Fe-DTPA chelate powder for
use as a soil application to correct iron deficiencies in crops as listed.

Fighter 0:2:3 (25)

Fighter 0:2:3 (25)

A highly stable, nitrogen free formulation, providing a source of easily absorbed potassium to plants.



A systemic water-soluble liquid fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated

Fighter 500 SL

Fighter 500 SL

A systemic water soluble liquid fungicide for the control of Phytophthora root rot in avocado trees when applied as a stem injection.



A micronised suspension concentrate of calcium and sulphur that can be applied through the drip-, micro-, overhead-, or any other irrigation system.

Foundation Mix

Foundation Mix

An in-furrow nutrient application that contains nitrogen, phosphorous, micro-nutrients as well as seaweed extract.



An organic calcium fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium levels in plants.



An organic potassium fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct potassium levels in plants.



An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct magnesium levels in plants.



An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc levels in plants.

Herbi-Thal 480 SC

Herbi-Thal 480 SC

A pre-emergence suspension concentrate herbicide for the control of annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds in crops as listed.

Inteli-Buff 3

Inteli-Buff 3

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 3.

Inteli-Buff 5

Inteli-Buff 5

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 5. Also contains a wetting agent and humectant.

Inteli-Buff 7

Inteli-Buff 7

A water soluble buffer and non-ionic wetting agent for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 7. Also contains a humectant.

Inteli-Phite 0:2:3 (25)

Inteli-Phite 0:2:3 (25)

Inteli-Phite 0:2:3 (25) is a highly stable, nitrogen free formulation, providing a source of easily absorbed potassium to plants.

  • Categories

Acticell Bio-CalBor

Acticell Bio-CalBor

Is a calcium and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium and boron levels in plants and fruits.

Acticell Bio-Calmag

Acticell Bio-Calmag

Is a calcium, magnesium and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium and magnesium levels in plants.

Acticell Bio-Zinc

Acticell Bio-Zinc

Is a zinc containing fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase zinc levels in plants.

Acticell Citrus

Acticell Citrus

Is a suspension concentrate fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium, zinc, copper and boron levels in plants.

Acticell Fruit Retention

Acticell Fruit Retention

Is a calcium, zinc and boron containing fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase nutrient levels in plants, especially during fruit set.

Acticell Mag-Photo

Acticell Mag-Photo

Is a magnesium containing fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase magnesium levels in plants.

Acticell Maintenance

Acticell Maintenance

Is a multi-dimensional, high quality foliar feed for maintaining nutritional status of crops. It is designed as a maintenance foliar fertilizer, supplementing critical periods of nutrient demand when the plant may not be able to extract sufficient nutrients from the soil.

Acticell Mango Boost

Acticell Mango Boost

Is a sulphur, calcium and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium and boron levels in plants.

Acticell MoB

Acticell MoB

A boron and molybdenum fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to promote pollen germination and growth.

Acticell Nut: Flower

Acticell Nut: Flower

Is a foliar feed to maintain or increase levels of phosphorus, potassium and zinc in nut trees during the flower-to-fruit phase. It also contains boron, iron and other essential trace elements.

Acticell Nut: Kernel

Acticell Nut: Kernel

Is a foliar feed to maintain or increase levels of potassium, phosphorous and zinc in nut trees during the fruit set phase. It also contains boron, iron and other essential trace elements.

Acticell Supreme

Acticell Supreme

Is a potassium, phosphorous and boron fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase potassium, phosphorous and boron levels in plants.

Agri-Paste Ca

Agri-Paste Ca

Agri-Paste Ca is a highly concentrated Calcium containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Calcium deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Cu

Agri-Paste Cu

Agri-Paste Cu is a highly concentrated Copper containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Copper deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Mg

Agri-Paste Mg

Agri-Paste Mg is a highly concentrated Magnesium containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Magnesium deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Mn

Agri-Paste Mn

Agri-Paste Mn is a highly concentrated Manganese containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Manganese deficiencies in plants.

Agri-Paste Zn

Agri-Paste Zn

Agri-Paste Zn is a highly concentrated Zinc containing fertilizer, dispersible in water, for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Zinc deficiencies in plants.

Ag-Alpha Cyper 100 SC

Ag-Alpha Cyper 100 SC

A suspension concentrate stomach and contact insecticide for the control of various pests on crops as listed.



A soil fumigant for the control of germinating weed seeds, soil fungi and nematodes in agricultural and horticultural soils, seedbeds and planting media as indicated.

Ag-Metribuzin 480 SC

Ag-Metribuzin 480 SC

A pre-and post emergence systemic herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaved weeds in crops as listed.



A water soluble powder containing micro-elements for soil and foliar application, fertigation and hydroponic use.



Liquid Trichoderma Harzianum for drench and foliar feed application on various crops.

Ag-Phos 400 SL

Ag-Phos 400 SL

A systemic water soluble liquid fungicide for the control of Phytophthora root and brown rot in citrus, downy mildew in grapes and late blight in potatoes.

Ag-Thiram 800 WP

Ag-Thiram 800 WP

A wettable powder contact fungicide for the control of certain fungus diseases on crops as indicated.

Ag-Thiacloprid 480 SC

Ag-Thiacloprid 480 SC

A suspension concentrate insecticide with systemic action for the control of thrips and aphids on citrus and codling moth on apples and pears.



A broad spectrum chlorine-based surface disinfectant for use in the agricultural industry. To be used in conjunction with Agrine Activator.

Agrine Activator

Agrine Activator

A broad spectrum chlorine-based surface disinfectant for use in the agricultural industry. To be used in conjunction with Agrine.

Algomax Forté

Algomax Forté

An organic fertilizer containing bio-stimulants, with essential amino acids.

Aqua-Right 3

Aqua-Right 3

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 3.

Aqua-Right 5

Aqua-Right 5

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 5.

Aqua-Right 5 Elite

Aqua-Right 5 Elite

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 5. Also contains a wetting agent and humectant. Specifically for crops under protection

Aqua-Right 7

Aqua-Right 7

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 7. Also contains a humectant

Aqua-Stic Nutech

Aqua-Stic Nutech

A non-ionic sticker designed to cause prolonged adherence of Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides and Foliar fertilizers.



A water-soluble non-ionic wetting agent for use with most of agricultural sprays to improve the wetting and sticking properties of sprays to plant foliage.

Bentazone 480 SL

Bentazone 480 SL

A water soluble concentrate, selective contact herbicide for use as a post-emergence treatment on annual and perennial weeds.

BoZ Pellet

BoZ Pellet

A pelleted fertilizer containing Zinc and Boron.



A chelated zinc, manganese and boron mixture for grapes and other crops as listed.



A water soluble fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Boron, Zinc and Manganese levels in plants.

Cal Pro Nutech

Cal Pro Nutech

An organic calcium fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct calcium levels in plants.

Calmag Pro Nutech

Calmag Pro Nutech

An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct calcium and magnesium levels in plants.

Carbology AnB

Carbology AnB

A water soluble fertilizer for use as a foliar feed on young, non-bearing trees.

Carbology Calmag

Carbology Calmag

A calcium and magnesium containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Calcium and magnesium levels in plants.

Carbology Cal

Carbology Cal

A calcium containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Calcium deficiencies in plants.

Carbology Cop

Carbology Cop

A copper containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper levels in plants.

Carbology Induce

Carbology Induce

CARBOLOGY® INDUCE is a liquid fertilizer in a kelp base containing nitrogen, phosphorus, micro-elements and plant growth regulators used…

Carbology Iron

Carbology Iron

An iron containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Iron levels in plants.

Carbology K

Carbology K

A nitrogen free potassium liquid fertilizer solution for use as a foliar feed.

Carbology Kelp

Carbology Kelp

A seaweed suspension containing Auxins for use on various crops.

Carbology Mag

Carbology Mag

A Magnesium liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Magnesium levels in plants.

Carbology Man

Carbology Man

A manganese containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct Manganese deficiencies in plants.

Carbology Multi-Trace

Carbology Multi-Trace

A liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc, iron, copper and manganese levels in plants. Also contains boron and molybdenum.

Carbology Nic

Carbology Nic

CARBology® Nic is a liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase Zinc and Nickel levels in plants

Carbology Optifruit

Carbology Optifruit

A water soluble fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium for use as a foliar application.

Carbology PhosCal

Carbology PhosCal

A liquid fertilizer that contains phosphorus, nitrogen and calcium for use as a foliar feed.

Carbology ZinBor

Carbology ZinBor

A water soluble fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct boron and zinc levels in plants.

Carbology Zinc

Carbology Zinc

A zinc containing liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc deficiencies in plants.

Carbology ZMC

Carbology ZMC

A liquid fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper, zinc and manganese levels in plants.

Carbology 3-2-1 (19)

Carbology 3-2-1 (19)

A liquid fertilizer with sulphur and micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.



A source of nutrients and high levels of carbon in a natural organic solution.



An amino-gluconate complex for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct calcium, potassium and zinc levels in the plant. Also contains boron and amino acids.

Calcium SC Plus

Calcium SC Plus

A calcium suspension concentrate for foliar application with added zinc and boron.



A water-soluble cleaning agent for use in spray tanks and spray equipment.

Combi Pro Nutech

Combi Pro Nutech

An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc, iron, copper, manganese, boron and molybdenum levels in plants.

Cop Pro Nutech

Cop Pro Nutech

An organic copper fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper levels in plants.

Copflo Super

Copflo Super

A copper containing suspension concentrate fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated.

Copper EDTA

Copper EDTA

A water soluble powder copper EDTA chelate for use as a soil application or foliar spray.

Copper EDTA

Copper EDTA

A water soluble powder copper EDTA chelate for use as a soil application or foliar spray.

Copstar SC

Copstar SC

A liquid suspension concentrate fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct copper levels in plants.

Copstar 120 SC

Copstar 120 SC

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated.

Copstar 360 SC

Copstar 360 SC

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated

Cupra 360 SC

Cupra 360 SC

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated

Cupra super

Cupra super

A copper-containing suspension concentrate fungicide and bactericide for the control of



A water dispersible granule formulation biological stomach action insecticide for the suppression of various Lepidoptera larvae on crops as indicated.



A microbial bio-fertilisation for use through irrigation, in furrow and seed treatment application on all crops.



A micronized suspension concentrate of Calcium and Sulphur that can be applied through the drip-, micro-, overhead-, or any other irrigation system.

Easygro Calmag + TE

Easygro Calmag + TE

Water soluble powder fertilizer 14:0:1 (15) with calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Easygro Flower & Fruit

Easygro Flower & Fruit

A water soluble 3:1:6 (46) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Easygro Starter

Easygro Starter

A water soluble 2:1:2 (43) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Easygro Vegetative

Easygro Vegetative

A water soluble 6:1:3 (44) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding fertigation.



A water soluble 5:10:2 (26) powder fertilizer with micro-elements for foliar feeding and fertigation.

Ecklomax Gold

Ecklomax Gold

A seaweed suspension containing auxins for use on various crops.

Ecklomax B + TE

Ecklomax B + TE

A foliar-applied seaweed suspension for use on various crops.



A bait formulation for the control of snails and slugs in Barley, Canola and Grapes.

Escargo 15 RB

Escargo 15 RB

A granular bait for the control of snails and slugs.

Ferro Super

Ferro Super

High purity water soluble 6 % Fe EDDHA chelate powder for use as a soil application to correct iron deficiencies in crops as listed.

Ferro Ultra

Ferro Ultra

A high purity water soluble 11 % Fe-DTPA chelate powder for
use as a soil application to correct iron deficiencies in crops as listed.

Fighter 0:2:3 (25)

Fighter 0:2:3 (25)

A highly stable, nitrogen free formulation, providing a source of easily absorbed potassium to plants.



A systemic water-soluble liquid fungicide for the control of diseases in crops as indicated

Fighter 500 SL

Fighter 500 SL

A systemic water soluble liquid fungicide for the control of Phytophthora root rot in avocado trees when applied as a stem injection.



A micronised suspension concentrate of calcium and sulphur that can be applied through the drip-, micro-, overhead-, or any other irrigation system.

Foundation Mix

Foundation Mix

An in-furrow nutrient application that contains nitrogen, phosphorous, micro-nutrients as well as seaweed extract.



An organic calcium fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or increase calcium levels in plants.



An organic potassium fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct potassium levels in plants.



An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct magnesium levels in plants.



An organic fertilizer for use as a foliar feed to maintain or correct zinc levels in plants.

Herbi-Thal 480 SC

Herbi-Thal 480 SC

A pre-emergence suspension concentrate herbicide for the control of annual grasses and certain broadleaved weeds in crops as listed.

Inteli-Buff 3

Inteli-Buff 3

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 3.

Inteli-Buff 5

Inteli-Buff 5

A water soluble buffer for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 5. Also contains a wetting agent and humectant.

Inteli-Buff 7

Inteli-Buff 7

A water soluble buffer and non-ionic wetting agent for use specifically with agrochemicals that perform optimally in spray water with a pH around 7. Also contains a humectant.

Inteli-Phite 0:2:3 (25)

Inteli-Phite 0:2:3 (25)

Inteli-Phite 0:2:3 (25) is a highly stable, nitrogen free formulation, providing a source of easily absorbed potassium to plants.


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